Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Arcadia Falls Chronicles Omnibus Sale!

The Arcadia Falls Chronicles Omnibus (books 1-6)
by Jennifer Malone Wright
Publication Date: October 29, 2015
A war is brewing between the hunters and the vampires and Chloe is determined to strike against the vampires before they have a chance to attack. Unfortunately, her plan goes all wrong and results in a massive takeover by the undead. This group of unlikely heroes have the power of elements, magic and strength on their side. They have even recruited one of the original vampires to help aid in their mission. But will it be enough? Will society ever go back to normal now that the world knows that vampires truly exist? The Arcadia Falls Chronicles is the continuation of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter. Following the format of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter, The Arcadia Falls Chronicles is serialized into several novella-length stories.

Genre: YA Paranormal

Six books all for .99 Cents!!!

Still on sale....

The Arcadia Falls Chronicles 7, 8 & 9 are still on sale for 99¢ each for a limited time!
Barnes & Noble

If you have new to this author, here are some FREE series starters for you.

The images above lead to Amazon, however, if you need a different retailer, choose one of the buttons below. 
Barnes & Noble

Jennifer Malone Wright

is best known for her short story series, The Vampire Hunter's Daughter. Other works include the follow up to The Vampire Hunter's Daughter series called The Arcadia Falls Chronicles, The Graveyard Guardians series, and her vampire novel called Savior. Jennifer also co-authors a series called Once Upon A Zombie Apocalypse as well the Beary Tales series. She resides in the beautiful mountains of northern Idaho with her husband and five children where she practices preparing for the zombie apocalypse. Just kidding! But seriously, between the craziness of taking care of her children, Jennifer has little time left for herself. The time she does have left, usually leading far into the night, is spent working on her beloved fiction or chatting with her equally crazy friends. Jennifer also loves coffee, has a passionate affair with red bull, wishes the sushi were better where she lives and dances while she cleans.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Turn Tables ~ Cover Reveal

 Turn Tables
by Stacey Rourke
Expected Release Date: Mar. 14th, 2017
Between private jets, designer labels, and lavish resorts, Tandy Owens should be having the time of her life. Her celebrity author best friend is getting married and all of Hollywood’s elite have turned out for the event. Unfortunately, Tandy’s mood is far from celebratory. 

For over a year her heart has been torn between two men: Matthew Cruz, the brilliant, well-educated entrepreneur who makes her feel like a queen, and Mateo, his womanizing musician alter ego, who is known for collecting platinum records, and the panties of his sexual conquests. Matthew assures her that Mateo’s antics are all a show. Even so, with her being the only one to witness his softer side, Tandy begins to wonder which persona is truly the act. 

In the sizzling heat of Miami, Tandy reaches the breaking point with their secretive romance, and finds herself asking if a hidden love is truly worth fighting for?

Genre: Contemporary Romance, RomCom

Adapted for Film: http://amzn.to/2lUincj
Turn Tables (Pre-Order): http://amzn.to/2ldDMZO

Adapted for Film
Aubrey Evans is living every author’s dream; her sizzling romance novel is being turned into a blockbuster film. She would be celebrating this momentous event, if she wasn’t busy fighting over every tiny production detail with the maddeningly cavalier director, Kole Camden.

When news of their heated rivalry hits the gossip columns, drastic measures must be taken to save their sinking project. In an elaborate PR hoax, she is publicly linked to Greyson Meyers, the swoon-worthy star of her movie. A whirl-wind love affair is staged for the couple to mirror the steamy chapters of her own books.

Can the introverted author resist the charms of Hollywood’s sexiest leading man? Or will love find her in the City of Angels?

If you are looking for a light-hearted, funny read to indulge in poolside, look no further!

Learn more about Adapted For Film (book 1) HERE 
including book trailer, excerpt, teaser, my review, & dream cast!

Stacey Rourke
RONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012 for Embrace, a Gryphon Series Novel
Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012

Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013 

Stacey Rourke is the author of the award winning YA Gryphon Series, the chillingly suspenseful Legends Saga, and the romantic comedy Adapted for Film. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant dogs. She loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction, and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. 

Visit her at www.staceyrourke.com
or on Twitter or instagram at Rourkewrites.

Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR

Sexiest Dad Alive ~ Review

Sexiest Dad Alive
by  M. Clarke
Life isn’t a fairytale. Sometimes you have to fight for happily ever after. And sometimes you just have to let go.

Josh Bennett

It was a simple offer.

I invited Isla to rent a room in my five thousand square foot home. Plenty of rooms and plenty of space. But the second she moved in, I knew I was in trouble. I could handle wanting her when there was distance between us, but once we started to play house, all my pent up desire started knocking down walls.

That was my first mistake of many.

The private investigator I hired to track down my ex found her not far from where I live. I should have locked my past behind me, but something urged me to find her. I’m glad I did. But our union left me with a situation to be reckoned with. 

When a new fire is lit and old flames rekindle, one will have to burn out. 
The decisions I’ll have to make won’t be easy.
No matter what I choose, my heart will break.

 As always M. Clarke's passion comes through full force! Forever keeping us guessing & emotions running on high.  
 A crazy, bumpy, thrilling ride with our favorite Knight crew & their pals! I could not get  enough of Josh & Isla. Just when I thought their relationship was all sorted out another  twist arose. Add in the hilarious photo sessions with a photographer that would have some  running for the hills made for such a great read! And who could resist the addition of that precious baby girl?!? Loved every minute of it!!
 I can't wait to see what else is to come for this series! 

Genre: New Adult
Cover Designer: Regina Wamba at Mae I Design & Photography
Photographer: Shauna Kruse
Models: Josh McCann & Daughter

Sexiest Man Alive: http://amzn.to/1STGSSp
Sexiest Couple Alive: http://amzn.to/2iJT07C
Sexiest Dad Alive: http://amzn.to/2jLJItJ

Mary Ting a.k.a. M. Clarke
International Bestselling, Award-Winning Author Mary Ting/M. Clarke resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing her first novel, Crossroads Saga, happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl. When she started reading new adult novels, she fell in love with the genre. It was the reason she had to write one-Something Great. Why the pen name, M Clarke? She tours with Magic Johnson Foundation to promote literacy and her children's chapter book-No Bullies Allowed.

Author Links: 
Pinterest ~ Twitter @MaryTing

Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Haunting of Tinley Hall Release Blitz & Giveaway

The Haunting of Tinley Hall
by Tania Hagan
Publication Date: February 22, 2017
Seventeen-year-old Tinley Hall takes a fall down the steep staircase in her family's restored Victorian home. When she becomes aware of her surroundings, she realizes she might be dead and she's not alone as her spirit haunts the old mansion that once was her home.

After meeting a handsome stranger, Tinley is forced to question if he's really a ghost and if she's really dead, but she knows something more complicated must be happening. 

Will Tinley be able to pull herself through death's door, back into the land of the living? Or, will she even want to?

As feelings for her companion grow into an otherworldly love affair, Tinley must decide if she's actually found her soulmate or if she just imagined the whole thing. Either way, she’s about to face the most difficult choice of her life … and of her death.

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: CHBB Publishing
Cover Designer: Aurelia Fray, Pretty AF Designs
Editor: CLS Editing Services

Get your copy on Amazon!

I didn’t die easily. For me, death was pretty much like everything had been in my life—complicated and ambiguous.

The day was dragging out like any other day. My little sister had been whining to my mother about summer camp since the night before, so I did my best to avoid them. My best friend was planning to spend the night, and she and her brother had been hanging out in our pool most of the afternoon.

“I really hate him being here.” Ally rolled her eyes as she laid on her beach towel beside me. She nodded vaguely in her brother’s direction.

I looked across the pool at the boy who had just pulled his long, lean body out of the water on the deep end. He shook his head for a second, sending splashes of water everywhere. As he ran his hand through his damp, dark brown hair, I had the slightest urge to go rake my fingers through it too.

I batted away my thoughts. AJ Stockwell was the last boy I wanted to get mixed up with. Although he was undeniably gorgeous, he had run through a string of four girls during the last school year alone. When he wasn’t loving and leaving his girlfriends, he holed up in his room, building and painting ridiculous model boats. Besides all that, he was my best friend’s brother, so he was sort of off-limits from the get go.

“It’s fine, Al.” I rolled over on my stomach and straightened the back of my swimsuit bottoms. “He just cut the grass, so my dad invited him to take a swim. No big deal.”

“Ugh. It’s a big deal to me,” Ally complained. “I mean, I can’t talk about anything with him around.”

“Relax. He’ll be out of here soon, I’m sure.” I craned my neck, looking at AJ again. “Besides, he’s not bad to look at.”

“Oh, give me a break, Tinley.” Ally turned over on her belly as well. She leaned her shoulder against mine and brought her voice to a whisper. “Didn’t I tell you he just broke up with Amanda? After he dumped Natalie, and Sarah, and—”

“Yeah. I get it. You’ve warned me a thousand times about how much of a creep he is to girls. One cheerleader after another. I would never get involved with someone like him, even if he wasn’t related to you.”

“He’s like a psychopath or something. I swear. He dates these girls for, like, a minute, and then he dumps them. It’s like he’s test driving them or something.”

“Well, he’s pretty hot, so I guess he has that option.”

“Or, maybe, these girls get one look at his toy boat collection and run for the hills screaming.” Ally laughed and moved onto her knees. She stuffed her sunglasses and sunblock into her bag. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of this sun, and enough of you drooling over my disgusting brother. Let’s go up to your room. I want to check out my Instagram anyway.”

“Drooling? That’s extreme.” I flopped over onto my back again and sat up just as AJ walked by. “Oh. Hey.” I squinted up at him.

“You know I can hear every word you say, Ally? Your voice isn’t exactly the most discreet sound in the neighborhood.” AJ wrapped a towel around his waist as he stood there. “I have my reasons for everything I do, and spreading rumors about me only makes you look like an idiot.”

“It takes one to know one.” Ally jumped to her feet, spewing probably the oldest and dumbest comeback known to man.

“That’s just about the most juvenile thing I’ve heard you say, like, ever, Al.” AJ pulled on a tight gray t-shirt before he sat in a nearby deck chair. He nodded to me. “Hey, Tinley.”

Did he just blush? No, Tinley, that’s a sunburn.

“Hi.” I quickly threw on my cover-up before I stood up. “Um, thanks for doing the lawn.”

“No problem.” AJ shot me a gorgeous smile. The dimples on his cheeks seemed to ripple as he talked. “I know your dad’s been busy with that new book of his.”

“True.” I nodded. “I hate mowing, so it was either you or call the gardeners back.”

My parents had fired our weekly gardeners at the beginning of the summer. They were constantly leaving the back gate open, letting our Golden Retriever run free in the neighborhood.

My parents thought my twelve-year-old sister was too young to handle the lawn mower, and my dad had been busy lately writing his latest novel. Plus, my mom swore she had never mown a lawn in her life. So it was up to AJ or me. I always talked them into opting for AJ.

“Come on, Tinley.” Ally grabbed my hand and started tugging me away from the pool.

“I’ll see you around then.” AJ winked in my direction as we were leaving.

Ally dramatically rolled her eyes in response.

“If she sees you first, even from a mile away, I promise you won’t see her around,” she teased her brother.

“Again with the brilliant one-liners, Al.” AJ wadded up his towel and threw it under his arm. He touched my arm as he stood up. “Tell your folks I said thanks for letting me hang out by your pool.”

“I will.” I stood still, despite Ally yanking on my arm.

“Later.” AJ nodded to me one more time before he hopped our six-foot gate on his way out of our yard.

Ally and I tossed on our flip flops before we went through the back door. My mom was really fussy about not getting marks on the floors, especially from pool water. My dad had just restored the original hardwood throughout our Victorian-era, five-bedroom house the previous year. Homes like ours dotted the Chicago suburb of Waybridge, and my parents claimed ours was one of the most authentic restorations in the area.

I couldn’t have cared less about things like that. To me, the old home always felt drafty, and our heating and air never seemed to work as efficiently as the systems inside the modern subdivision houses. I always envied the homes where some of my friends lived on the outskirts of town. But, my parents were in love with ours, and my vote didn’t count much.

Tania Hagan 
was born in Illinois, but moved to Southern California as a young teen. She graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a degree in Social Science and Psychology. 

She began her writing career shortly after school, when she wrote for a major business magazine. She also read the nightly business report for the company's TV news. At the same time, she produced, and reported for a weekly TV news magazine program.

After she was married, Tania and her husband moved back to the Chicago area, where she worked briefly as a stringer for a local newspaper. She also became a successful Realtor, and continued to write for online, as well as for print publications.

They have one beautiful daughter. Her dream of dreams is to eventually adopt many more children. Out of everything she's ever accomplished, she is most proud of being a mom.


Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR