Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Love Last Blog Tour

Love Lost 
by Maria DeSouza
April 21, 2014
Love can come into your life in an instant, and leave just as quickly....

Jason Straiz is a New York detective working on a case to bring down a major crime lord. He keeps his life simple. Work. Family. Friends. Until he meets Selene.

Selene is a lawyer on a mission. Her goal is to bring down the monster that has been terrorizing her for years. When she meets Jason, the attraction is intense. When Jason comes to her aide after tragedy strikes, he becomes a target.

When her case and their relationship collide, will her secrets destroy a future they could have together? Can he handle the truth about her?

Can love truly conquer all or is there a limit?
Get your copy on
Amazon, Amazon UK, & Barnes & Noble!


The following is a character interview.  
It is between the author & her three main characters:  
Jason Straiz, Selene Mendez, & Lucio Cardoso. Enjoy.
I finish putting the last bowl on the patio table when I hear a tapping noise behind me.  I turn to see what it was as Jason opens the glass patio doors and walks up to greet me with a bear hug, picking me up in the process.    As he sets me back down, he looks over at the table.   
Jason: “Are we having company?”  
I raise my eyebrows.  
Maria: “You know we are.”  
Pointing toward a chair, Jason sits down as I find my seat next to him.  He looks relaxed in jeans and a t-shirt.  I noticed he hadn’t shaved and was sporting a bit of face scruff.  I leaned over and rubbed his beard.
M: “What’s the deal with this?”
He laughs.  
J: “I’m trying something new.  I take it you’re not a fan?”
M: “Hell no.”   
Jason reaches for a beer and hands me a Mountain Dew.   
J: “So what’s this interview we have to do?”
Grabbing my notebook and pen, I set them on the table in front of me.  
M: “I’m going to ask you some questions so everyone can get to know you better.”
He leans back and stares at me, making me forget why I was there.
M: “OK.  How do you feel about Love Lost and your story being told?”
J: “Well, I don’t think that anyone could have done it as well as you did.”  
A blush creeps up my cheeks at the compliment.  
J: “I think that it’s kinda cool that someone wants to read about me.”
M: “Do you see yourself as the hero type?”
J: “Oh God no!  I’m just a guy who does my job.  There are plenty of officers out there doing their job and taking down bad guys.   The officers and soldiers that don’t come home, those are the heroes in this world.”
M: “Your biggest accomplishment?”  
Jason smiles and I know what he is thinking right away.
M: “No spoilers, Jay.”  
J:  “Even if it is my greatest accomplishment?”
M: “Fine, we’ll skip that question.  Describe Selene and what she means to you.”
He looks distant all of a sudden.
J: “She’s my world.  Selene’s the love of my life.”
 M: “Can you picture yourself with anyone else?”
 Jason leans in, deep in thought.
 M: “Did I stump you?”
  J: “No.  I don’t want to be with anyone else except for Selene. I just don’t know what the future brings.  I would like to spend the rest of my life with her.  I guess it depends on what you decide to write for us.”
 M: “I guess you’re going to have to wait and see.”
 His phone chirps and Jason excuses himself to answer it.  After a few minutes, he hangs up and I see the familiar look on his face.
 M: “Duty calls, huh?”
  J: “Story of my life, right?”
 Jason hugs me before he leaves, leaving me to wonder on his relationship with Selene and where it will lead.  My phone rings and the caller id shows that it is Lucio.  I almost let it go to voicemail when I realize that I need to interview him.   So reluctantly, I hit the accept button.
 M: “Can I help you?” 
 Lucio: “Yes, you can, Ms. DeSouza.”
 M:  “It’s Mrs actually.  Where are you?”
 L:  “I’m outside waiting in the car.  Would you mind taking a drive with me?”
 I cringe at the thought of being in the car alone with him.  
 M:  Whatever. I’ll be right out.
 I head outside through side entrance, where a long limo is parked in front of the house.  Lucio is leaning against the extravagant vehicle as I walk toward him.  He is in a designer suit and as much as I hated to admit it, he looks good.  The driver opens the door and I climb inside with Lucio close behind me.  He grabs two glasses and offers me a drink.
 M:  “No thank you.  Let’s get down to business, shall we?”
 L:  “A woman who knows what she wants.  Not something I am used to.”
 M:  “You’ll get over it, I’m sure.”
  Lucio inches closer to me as I open my notebook.  Pulling my hair to the side, he whispers in my ear.
 L:  “I can always teach you how to be obedient.”
  Turning to face him, I smile.
 M:  “So can I.  It’s called shoving a hot curling iron up your-”
 L:  “OK.  Truce.  Ask your questions.”
 M:  “Why do you feel that Selene belongs to you?”
 L:  “I knew I wanted her from the moment I saw her and she felt the same way.  I just need to remind her of that.”
 M:  “That sounds like a threat.”
 L:  “It’s not a threat.  It’s a promise.”
  I roll my eyes and continue.
 M:  “Do you consider yourself a villain or just misunderstood?”
 L:  “Definitely a villain.  There is no misunderstanding with me.  I will kill.  I will torture.  I will do what I need to do in order to get what I want.  Good guys are boring.”
 M:  “But they usually win at the end.  They also get the girl.”
  Lucio’s jaw twitches at my words.  I was provoking him and a part of me wondered what he would do if I continued to push him.
 L:  “Not always, Mrs. DeSouza.”
 M:  “We’ll see.  What is your biggest flaw?”
 L:  “I have none.  You made me perfect, remember?”
 M:  “Vanity, check.  Any regrets?”
 L:  “Not killing a certain detective when I had the chance.”
 M:  “I’m sure he feels the same way.”
 L:  “So quick to defend your detective.  He is not as perfect as you may think.”
 M:  “I never claimed he was perfect, but he has one thing that you don’t.”
 L:  “And that is?”
 M:  “Character.  Oh, and Selene’s love.”
  Lucio leans in and tries to grab me before rethinking his actions.  He sat back and put on his sunglasses.
 L:  “I’m done with this interview.”  
  He signals for the driver to drive me home.
 M:  “I’m crushed.”
 L:  “We could always go back to my place and continue this interview there.”
 M:  “Do you have a curling iron?”
 He narrows his eyes and the limo comes to a stop.
 L:  “This was…delightful.  We should do it again.  Soon.”
 M:  “Sure.  Wait for my call.”
 I practically fly out of the car before Lucio has a chance to respond.  I shake off the bad vibes and walk back into the backyard.  My guests had arrived and my husband along with his good friend, Kevin are manning the grill.  I start to walk toward them when I hear my name being called.  I look toward the glass doors and Selene is standing there.  A long sundress hugged her curvy figure, leaving me to plan the start yet another diet.  We hug each other and I walk inside to shut out the noise. 
M:  “I’m happy you made it.  Did you have a hard time finding parking?”
S:  “I’m used to valet or off street parking, so this was a change.”  
M: “So, tell me.  How are you and Jason?”
She laces her hands together and bites her lip.
S:  “We are working through it.”  
M:  “I’m glad.  Describe Jason in one word.”
S: “One word?  Perfect.  Loyal.  Sexy.”
M:  “TMI, Selene.”
We both laugh and she watches the kids playing outside.
S:  “He’s a great guy and I’m lucky to have him.”
M: “Describe Lucio.”
S:  “Maniac, Monster, Dire need of a strait jacket.”
M:  “Yes he does.  What is your biggest accomplishment?”
S:  “Spilling coffee on a detective.”
I laugh remembering how they met. 
M:  “Any regrets?”
S:  “Not telling Daphne everything.”
M:  “It might not have made a difference, Selene.”
S:  “Maybe it wouldn’t but I’ll guess we’ll never know.”
M:  “What do you think about people asking to read Love Lost?”
S:  “It’s so surreal.  I hope they will enjoy the love story between Jason and I.”
Jason comes in and Selene runs to hug him.  They kiss and I walk back outside to give them their privacy.  As I enjoy the time with my family and friends, I think about Love Lost and the journey that Jason and Selene have to endure.  

If you want to know more, pick up your copy of Love Lost.
You didn’t think I would give any spoilers, did ya?


 Maria DeSouza
 is a 32 year old New Jersey native with a love for writing. She has two children, who are her life, and family that makes her want to scream at times, but still loves them. She started her affair with reading and writing at a very young age. She loves where books take her, and always wished for the day when she would meet her very own dream boat. She grew up on Stephen King, Nora Roberts, and anything her library would let her borrow. She would always grab a notebook and start writing about the books she read about because she wanted the story to continue. She never took it seriously until a friend a few years ago told her that she needed to publish her work after she wrote down a short story. The words stuck with her and she was constantly asked, “Did you write more? Are you done?” A back injury put her writing on hold for almost 2 yrs and last year, she found the short story and started reading. Then, she started writing and adding to it. That little dream turned story turned into her debut novel, Love Lost.


 2 Signed Paperbacks of Love Lost *US Only
Surprise Swag Pack *US Only
10 ecopies of Love Lost

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Distraction & Desire Blog Tour

Distraction & Desire ~ Book #1 in Desire Series 
by Kizzie Darker
February 14, 2014
She was his distraction, he her desire.
Joanna woods thought her broken heart would never heal again when Luke ripped her world apart.
Upon deciding to take a much needed vacation to Paris, the city of love, would a chance meeting change her life forever?
Nathan Jones moonlights as a successful business man but unbeknown to Joanna he secretly works as a C.I.A agent travelling the world, tackling crime.
He has already lost one love of his life; will he risk it all when he meets Joanna?
Joanna and Nathan have chemistry but will it be enough to make their relationship work?
Will Joanna be able to handle the truth when she finds out who Nathan really is or will it end in further heartache?

 Get your copy on Amazon!

"I wake. Yet more sunlight pours through the tiny crack in the window. I wonder what the time is. How long have I been in this, this tiny room that smells of damp and crap? I see I am still strapped into the chair of doom and that I have the headache from hell. I feel stiff, like I have the worse hangover in the entire world. I scan the room. The metal table has disappeared so that hopefully is a good sign that I won't be given anymore medication to make me sleep. I slow my breathing as I listen out for any signs of life but all seems quiet. Where is everyone? I really need to quench my thirst; a bite to eat would be so good right now.

I adjust my position the best I can. I seem to be slumped in the chair. Is this how they left me all night? I manage to reach my face. I can still feel the dressing on my cheek. It feels blood soaked, sore.

“Hello?” I call as loud as I can. “Is anyone there?” I hear nothing, no human beings anyway. I look to the floor. A filth ridden rat scurries across the room. I scream at the top of my voice. Surely someone somewhere will hear my screams. “Hello? Please will someone help me?” I shout. I hear heavy footsteps in the corridor, voices call to one another. The words “clear” are spoken over and over again as doors are opened and closed one after another. “Hello?” I call. “In here!” I shout. I wrestle against my restraints in a desperate attempt to make as much noise as I can. I still my breathing as I hear the bolt on the door being cut into.“Please,” I whisper. All the commotion has become too much. I am too weak, too tried to keep my eyes open. I fall into an unconscious state. I can see a brilliant white light as I float away. “Stay with us, Joanna,” a voice pleads. I can't hold on, the light wants me and I must go to it. I can see his face. It smiles back at me as I walk in the peaceful gardens. He is dressed in the finest of white linens, his skin shines in the sunlight. He walks towards me; his arms are outstretched beckoning me. “Come to me, Joanna.” He smiles. I race towards him; I can see his hazel eyes peer back at me. They shine like washed pebbles. I draw closer to him. I can almost touch him, smell him, and breathe him. “Nathan,” I smile as I reach out to him. I close my eyes as I wrap myself in his arms but he fades away, away from my hold.

“Nathan!” I cry but he is gone, gone from my dreams."

Author Interview:
1. Tell us about your book/books?  ~  I am the author of Distraction and Desire (The Desire Series) and I am currently in the process of writing the second novel in the Series title fear and Desire (released 11th June 2014)

2. How did you get started as a writer?  ~ It was after I read the fifty shades trilogy and though to myself ‘I can write a novel too’

3. What’s a typical day like for you?  ~ I wake around 9am, eat breakfast, do the house hold chores etc. and then set to work on my novel.

4. Describe your workspace.  ~ I have a new desk!! I am so excited about that! It’s actually quiet tidy!

5. Favorite books?  ~ Fifty shades trilogy, the Bared to you series.

6. Tell us 3 interesting things about you. ~ I sang to the queen of England. I only discovered erotic fiction 2 years ago L and I love to sing.

7.  Favorite quote:   ~can I choose one from my own book?    ‘She was his Distraction. He her Desire.’

8. Best and worst part of being a writer?  ~Best part…feeling as though you have accomplished something great. Worst part…..finding the right places to promote your work.

9. Advice to writers?  ~never give up, ignore the bullies and always, always follow your dream.

Fear & Desire ~ Book #2 in Desire Series
 He will Fear. She will forever Desire
What is love? What does it mean? Does it mean to love and to cherish your one true love?
Does it mean to hold her close and not to let her go no matter what?
Does it mean not to keep secrets from her? But the secrets I keep gnaw at my mind; they dominate my weakened heart and soul. I live in fear, constant frightening fear that I will lose her, lose my one true love.
Do I tell her? Do I reveal all?

He loves me. I have to be believe that Nathan loves me but the very thought of losing him causes me to desire him even more.
It seems we all fear and we all desire but when life throws problems at you love must conquer all.

His alluring body beautifully glistens in the soft light. My eyes wander over his sensuous features as a spark of love, of lust progresses through my beating heart.
My wet, wanton sex burns with a powerful desire, I want to feel him, touch him, and breathe him. My lips part with expectation, a little moan of pleasure of delight escapes from my mouth and levitates towards the explicit air.
I feel him nudge against me with his hard, erect penis. The most erotic smile passes his wet lips as he plays with me, teases me as I lay flat against the bed. I want him to make love to me through the night.
I feel his mouth sweep across my swollen breasts. His sharp teeth pull and tug at my pert nipples whilst his hands gently, carefully trace over my thighs with dexterity.
“You are a vision of absolute beauty”

      Kizzie Darker
... was born in a small beer brewing town of Burton Upon Trent, United Kingdom in 1979. For the first 4 years of her life she grew up in the small village of Church Gresley United Kingdom but soon things became complicated. At the age of 5 her parents divorced resulting in her family being ripped apart. Her younger brother went to live with her father and Kizzie remained with her mother. Her mother gave birth to Kizzie’s half brother but one night in 1986 Kizzie and her half brother were taken into care. Kizzie doesn’t regret going into care, she had a fulfilled childhood. Kizzie went to school just like any other child and achieved her desired grades she was aiming for. Kizzie is now a happily married women and enjoys spending time with her close family. She and her husband live in the West Midlands and have 2 cats and a lovebird. They regularly visit her family in Derbyshire United Kingdom and love spending time with their nephew and 2 nieces.

Facebook, Amazon, Goodreads, & Twitter @KizzieDarker

$5 Giftcard & Ecopy of Distraction & Desire

Monday, April 28, 2014

It Ain’t Me, Babe Blog Tour

It Ain’t Me, Babe 
by Tillie Cole
Sinning never felt so good…
A fortuitous encounter.
A meeting that should never have happened.
Many years ago, two children from completely different worlds forged a connection, a fateful connection, an unbreakable bond that would change their lives forever…
Salome knows only one way to live—under Prophet David’s rule. In the commune she calls home, Salome knows nothing of life beyond her strict faith, nor of life beyond the Fence—the fence that cages her, keeps her trapped in an endless cycle of misery. A life she believes she is destined to always lead, until a horrific event sets her free.
Fleeing the absolute safety of all she has ever known, Salome is thrust into the world outside, a frightening world full of uncertainty and sin; into the protective arms of a person she believed she would never see again.
River ‘Styx’ Nash knows one thing for certain in life—he was born and bred to wear a cut. Raised in a turbulent world of sex, Harleys, and drugs, Styx, unexpectedly has the heavy burden of the Hades Hangmen gavel thrust upon him, and all at the ripe old age of twenty-six—much to his rivals’ delight.
Haunted by a crushing speech impediment, Styx quickly learns to deal with his haters. Powerful fists, an iron jaw and the skillful use of his treasured German blade has earned him a fearsome reputation as a man not to be messed with in the shadowy world of outlaw MC’s. A reputation that successfully keeps most people far, far away.
Styx has one rule in life—never let anyone get too close. It’s a plan that he has stuck to for years, that is, until a young woman is found injured on his lot… a woman who looks uncannily familiar, a woman who clearly does not belong in his world, yet a woman he feels reluctant to let go…

*Dark Contemporary Romance/New Adult Novel. Contains sexual situations, violence, sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language and mature topics. Recommended for age 18 years and up*
Run, run, just keep running…
I willed my tired legs to keep pumping. My muscles burned as though injected with venom and my bare feet were completely numb as they slammed onto the cold hard forest floor, but I would not give up… could not give up.
Breathe, run, just keep moving…
My eyes darted around the dark forest, searching for the disciples. None to be seen, but it was only a matter of time. They would soon realize I was missing. But I could not stay, could not do my pre-ordained duty to the prophet; not after what happened tonight.
My lungs burned with the severity of my sharp gasps and my chest heaved with overexertion.
Push through the pain. Run, just run.
Passing the third watchtower, unseen, I let myself feel a momentary sliver of joy—the perimeter fence was not too far away. I allowed myself the hope that I might actually get free.
Then the emergency siren wailed and I shuddered to a stop.
They know. They are coming for me.
I forced my legs to move even faster; thorns and sharp sticks jabbed into the soles of my feet. Gritting my teeth, I told myself, Do not feel pain. Do not feel pain. Think of her.
They could not find me. I could not let them find me. I knew the rules. Never leave. Never attempt to leave. But I was fleeing. I was determined to escape their wickedness once and for all.
Spotting the tall posts of the perimeter fence, my arms pumped with renewed vigor as I made the final steps of my sprint. I smashed against the rigid metal with a crash, the posts grinding at the force of my collision.
I frantically searched for a gap.
No! Please!
I ran along each post—no gaps, no holes… no hope.
In a panic, I fell to the ground, clawing the dry earth, tunneling, digging for freedom. My fingers raked at the hard mud—fingernails snapping, skin ripping, blood flowing—but I did not stop. I had no choice but to find a way out.
The siren wailed on, seeming to scream ever more loudly, like a countdown to my recapture. If I was found, I would be watched constantly, treated worse than ever before—I would be even more of a prisoner than I was right now.
I would rather die.
How long have I been gone? Are they close? Panicked thoughts whirled in my mind, but I kept digging.
Then I heard the dogs closing in; the barking, snarling, rabid, vicious fury of The Order’s guard dogs and my digging became more frenzied.
The disciple guards carried guns; large, semi-automatic guns. They defended this land like lions. They were brutal and they always got their prey. I would be captured and punished, just like her. Tortured for my disobedience.
Just. Like. Her.
The search hounds were louder now, harsh, heavy panting and nerve-jangling barks getting ever closer. I swallowed back the cry threatening to rip free from my throat and continued digging, burrowing, scooping, shoveling—to be free. Always yearning to be free…
Finally free.
I stilled momentarily as I heard a babble of voices. Sharp commands sounded out. Gun barrels were loading, the echoes of safety catches clicked; heavy boots stomped closer and closer.
They were too close.
I almost shrieked in frustrated terror when I judged the gap under the fence did not look big enough to fit me. But I had to keep going. I did not have a choice. I had to try. I could not live one more day in this hell.
Headfirst, chest grazing the newly-excavated ground, I slipped through the tiny gap under the fence. The flesh of my shoulder grated on the ragged metal of the mesh wire but I did not care—what was one more scar?
Using my hands as claws, I dragged my body forward. I heard clear voices, the crystal timbre of the brothers; their savage dogs, consumed by bloodlust, as they howled with deliberately induced hunger.
“She’ll be searching for gaps or weak links. Secure the second team along the north gate. We’ll head for the south, and no matter what, FIND HER! The Prophet will bring the wrath of the Almighty on us all if she is lost!”
Quelling an anxious cry, I pushed and scrambled forward. I scurried through the dry mud, legs flailing in desperation. Deep scratches covered my skin. My white gown ripped and tore into shreds on spikes of jagged barbed wire, and I watched helplessly as my blood trickled onto the dry ground.
No! I almost screamed out in frustration. The hounds would smell my blood. They were trained to scent blood.
With one final push, my body was through, only my legs were left to go. I shuffled onto my back, heels digging in, striving for freedom.
A feeling, no, a flood of elation at the realization I was all but free quickly evaporated at the sight of a black hound skirting round a nearby bush. Focusing on a tree outside the fence—a goal to crawl to—I tried to pull myself forward, when a jolt of pain seared through my left leg. Razor-sharp teeth sliced into my flesh, and when I looked down, a heavily muscled guard dog held my left calf in its grip; snarling and shaking its head, tearing into fragile skin and muscle.
Paling with the severity of the pain, I fought back a growing sense of nausea. I slapped my palms on the forest floor, finding purchase on a large stone. Choking back a scream that was clawing its way up my throat, I dragged my mauled leg away from the fence toward my goal. The dog tried to force its large head under the fence, tightening its grip on my limb, shaking it back and forth like it was playing with a stick.
With the last of my energy, I attacked. The stone I had dragged myself with came loose in my hands and I hit the dog’s skull over and over and over, its bared fangs dripping with white-red foam, its hellish black eyes burning bright with anger. The disciple guards starved their hounds to make them bloodthirsty and forced them to fight each other to make them permanently angry. The disciple guards reasoned that the hungrier their dogs were, the more vicious they would be when hunting down deserters.
Inhaling through my nose, I tried to keep focus; I just needed to loosen the dog’s grip, just a fractional release to let go of my injured left leg.
And then it happened.
With a final crack of the stone, the incensed canine reared back, shaking its bruised head. I dragged myself free of the shallow gap, my breath coming in short sharp bursts as my body reacted to the shock.
As I shuffled away from the fence, a wry thought sped across my mind; I had actually done it. I am free.
The dog, though groggy and recovering from its hit, lunged for the gap. Once more it snapped its large jaws and sharp teeth and with it, me from my haze. Edging forward, I quickly filled the gap with as much mud as I could gather, then tried to stand, but my injured leg could not take the strain, could not bear my weight. Inside, I cried, Not now! Please, Lord, just give me the strength to keep going.
“Here! She’s here!”
A black-uniformed disciple emerged from the dense foliage, glaring furiously at my crouched form beyond the fence. He removed his balaclava and my heart fell. I would recognize that long scar on his cheek anywhere. Gabriel, Prophet David’s second-in-command; his brown heavy beard hiding most of his face, as was custom with all the brothers at The Order. However, Gabriel was the disciple my people feared most, the man responsible for the atrocity I witnessed tonight… responsible for me losing her…
Follow the tour:
Monday 28th April
Zakirrah’s Book Blog – review
Southern Belle Book Blog – review, excerpt
Lezley-Lynn’s Book Blog – review, excerpt, character casting
Here is Some of What I Read – excerpt
Sweet Spot Book Blog – review, excerpt
Kelsey’s Korner Blog – excerpt, author interview
Butorfleoge – review, excerpt, character casting
Pamaceeve’s Blog – excerpt
Confessions of a YA and NA Book Addict – review, excerpt
Jeni’s Bookshelf – excerpt, guest post

Tuesday 29th April
There’s This Book – review, excerpt
Three Girls and a Book Obsession – review, excerpt
TNT Reviews – review
Ramblings of a Book Lunatic – review, excerpt
Scandalous Book Blog – review, excerpt, author interview
Illustrious Illusions – review, excerpt
Book Talk with Jess – excerpt
Books Laid Bare – review, excerpt
A is for Alpha B is for Books – review
Wednesday 30th April
What Danielle Did Next – review, excerpt
In My Room – review, excerpt
Broc’s Bookcase – review, author interview
Biblio Belles – review, excerpt
Have Book Will Read – review, exclusive excerpt
Twin Sisters Rockin’ Book Reviews – review, author interview
Thursday 1st May
Alii’s Book Jungle – review, excerpt
Carol Clarke Blogs – review
Cruising Susan – review, excerpt, guest post
The Lovely Pages – review
Lustful Literature – review, excerpt
The Book Bellas – review, excerpt
Reviews by Molly – review, excerpt
MyStars Book Blog – review
Friday 2nd May
The Fairest of All – review, excerpt
K&T Book Reviews – review, excerpt
The Hopeless Romantics – review, excerpt
Smokin’ Hot Book Blog – review, character casting
Crystal’s Many Reviewers – review, excerpt
Romance Readaholic – review
Kinky Book Klub – review
Eskimo Princess – review, excerpt
Fallen For Books – review, excerpt
Sweet Home
At age twenty, Molly Shakespeare knows a lot.

She knows Descartes and Kant.

She knows academia and Oxford.

She knows that the people who love you leave you.

She knows how to be alone.

But when Molly leaves England's grey skies behind to start a new life at the University of Alabama, she finds that she has a lot to learn—she didn't know a summer could be so hot, she didn't know students could be so intimidating, and she certainly didn't know just how much the folks of Alabama love their football.

When a chance encounter with notorious star quarterback, Romeo Prince, leaves her unable to think of anything but his chocolate-brown eyes, dirty-blond hair and perfect physique, Molly soon realises that her quiet, solitary life is about to dramatically change forever...

Mature New Adult novel – contains adult content, highly sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 18 and up*

Read an Excerpt here!
Available on:
It will also be available in paperback.

Add Sweet Home to your Goodreads TBR!
~ Tillie Cole ~
A  Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother -- a farmer's daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses.  
Stalker Links:
Twitter @tillie_cole

Tillie is giving away an iPad Mini as the tour prize.
Open Internationally.