
Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Descending Darkness Blog Tour

The Descending Darkness
Released September 2013
After going from demon hunter to babysitter, seventeen-year-old SHADOW has truly hit rock bottom. One week he’s slaughtering demons, and the next he has ten super-powered teenagers in his care. Shadow needs them, because without them he can’t hope to defeat his new foe. But he’s never dealt with other teenagers before. He never had a real childhood. He’s always been a loner. Hell, he’s tried the whole having-a-pet thing. It died.

Shadow’s mission: save the world and ensure his entire team survives the potential apocalypse. If MAEDARA, self-proclaimed fashionista and Queen of Evil, wasn’t trying to rule the world, it’d be cake. Now, not only does Shadow have to deal with teens more concerned with going to the mall than fighting evil, but also a villain who, in his opinion, makes Lady Gaga look like Mother Theresa.
Get your copy on Amazon

Let’s Talk: Novel Setting

Setting is the historical moment in time and geographic location in which a story takes place, and helps initiate the main backdrop and mood for a story. Setting has been referred to as story world [1] or milieu to include a context (especially society) beyond the immediate surroundings of the story. Elements of setting may include culture, historical period, geography, and hour. Along with the plot, character, theme, and style, setting is considered one of the fundamental components of fiction.
(Source: Wikipedia)
I’m here with Jennifer Trevino, of Jeni’s Bookshelf, to discuss a bit about the setting of my debut novel, The Descending Darkness.
I know that some people are probably going to open The Descending Darkness, read some of the names of locations/places and think: “What the hell was this kid on when he wrote this?” First, I was running on chocolate and white wine. Second, I understand this reaction because they’re all made up locations, in the sense that they’re not actual locations in this world. They’re locations that solely exist in the world of TDD.
TDD is set in a world that’s a direct parallel to our own, kind of like a reflection in a mirror – or two sides to the same coin. But that isn’t to say that there isn’t anything that we’re familiar with. TDD’s world has some of our TV shows, celebrities, music, etc.
I wanted to leave the maximum room open for creativity. If I were to have the novel take place in the real world, I would be limited to the social and cultural structures of each place the characters visited. And that’s very…blah. So by inventing my own world, I get to make my own rules. And I think that will be a lot more fun for the readers. It was certainly a lot more fun for me!

About the Author:
Michael Chulsky grew up in New Jersey and has been writing ever since his fourth grade teacher let him create a class newspaper to channel his creativity. He is the author of The Descending Darkness and currently lives with his fiancé. When not writing he enjoys browsing Tumblr, listening to music, and devouring every piece of cheesecake that falls into his line of sight.

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